This text is mainly for players who have already played other muds, and
want to skip some of the basic help text. However, since there is a lot
of new and different features, you are advised to read newbie help info
anyway. This page is also useful as a quick memory reference for new
and old players.
Here is a small list those commands:
BUTCHER You don't have to by all your food from shops.
MAP To check you location in the Realms.
MEND It is wise to keep you armour in good shape.
RENT Even greatest heroes have to rest sometimes.
VIEW Shows several topics to view information about.
WEATHER Shows weather patterns, fog, and local weather.
WEATHER MAP Shows global weather in the all Realms.
REPAIR Fixes your armour in the shop.
REFORGE Fixes your weapon in the shop.
WHET Keeps you weapons sharp.
FASTEN Fasten different items on your mount.
RIDE Why to walk when you can ride?
ATTRIBUTE Shows your stats in %.
CRIMINAL Shows if you have commited any crimes.
TRACK Track players and animals.
HUNT Hunt for animals.
SCALP Take off the scalp from the fallen foe.
QUEST Quests given by certain mobiles.
Also if would be useful to check the following help topics:
HERBLORES Herblores are potions that can be made herbs
to help stamina in walking, seeing in the dark
create poisons, antidotes, etc. These formulas
are found after quests.
EPS Explore points needed to raise levels.
RULES Rules of Lost Realms.
SPECIALIZATION You are able to specialize deeper in your class.
REINCARNATE If you were specialized and decided to try something new
this is the way to achieve that.
See also: Newbie, Basics, Features.
This page was automatically generated on Fri Apr 5 12:54:51 2002