The Lost Realms year consist of four seasons, each season consist of four
monthes, each month consist of 32 days, and each day consist of 24 hours.
All races except Elves have Dunadan calendar. Elves have Sindarin calendar
and all names of monthes and days are different. 
* Westron       * Sindarin         * Dawn   * Night  *
*                      SPRING                        *
* Astron        * Gwirith          *  7     *  19    *
* Thrimidge     * Lothron          *  7     *  20    *
* Forelithe     * Norui            *  6     *  20    *
*                      SUMMER                        *
* Afterlithe    * Cerveth          *  5     *  21    *
* Wedmath       * Urui             *  4     *  22    *
* Halimath      * Ivanneth         *  5     *  21    *
*                      AUTUMN                        *
* Winterfilth   * Narbeleth        *  6     *  20    *
* Blomath       * Hithui           *  7     *  20    *
* Foreyule      * Birithron        *  7     *  19    *
*                      WINTER                        *
* Afteryule     * Narwain          *  8     *  18    *
* Solmath       * Ninui            *  9     *  17    *
* Rethe         * Gwaeron          *  8     *  18    *
See also: Day.

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