BUCKLERS- also known as a target shield, is a small round shield of wood or
metal that fastens to the forearm. Because of it's size it is light and can
be worn with very little restriction to movement.
SMALL SHIELDS- are usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with
the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the
user to carry other items in that hand, although he cannot wield or carry
another weapon.
MEDIUM SHIELDS- are carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the
small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using his
shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium shields
are usually made of metal, range from 3'-4' in diameter, and can be of any
shape, from round to square to a spread dragon's wings. A typical medieval
shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.
LARGE SHIELDS- body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a
massive metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of
the user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must
firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand
for anything but holding the body shield in place.
See also: Shield Block.
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