Syntax: Specialize 'blademaster'
First if someone want to become specialist he needs to have 500 gold to buy an
equipment of learning, and level 41. Then he needs to find master of art and 
type: specialize 'class name'.
Now some requirements of specialization.
 Mage can specialize to Necromancer, Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, 
Illusionist, Invoker or Transmuter.
Cleric can specialize to Druid or Priest. Each god have his own requirements 
to become his priest, for this see HELP RELIGION.
Thieves Can become to: Assassin, Shwashbuckler or Stalker.
 For Assassin is required to have least 15 intelligence, Shwashbuckler needs 
16 strength and Stalker 17 perception.
Warrior can become to: Blademaster, Paladin, Berserker or Ranger.
 For Blademaster is required at least 15 dexterity, for Paladin at least 
alignment angelic, for Berserker at least constitution 20 and for Ranger at 
least align good and perception 15.
Shaman and Psionic can not specialize.
Benefits of specialization are: higher percent in knowledge of certain skills 
or spells, Some special skills or spells what is not available to any other 
Disadvantages of becoming a specialist is, some restrictions to certain skills
and spells, some restrictions for alignment, tribute for their god( for priest
only) and slower advancement in levels.
To view skills/spells for the desired class use command view with following
syntax: view skills/spells <class name>
Note: the requirements are optional and should be taken as suggestions not
as a must be.
See also: Class.

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